Buds & Blossoms
from 15 months – 3 years
Our Buds and Blossoms room is where friendships will be formed, confidence and independence will grow, and speech and language will be nurtured. Our newly refurbished ground floor room is in the centre of our nursery and is a hive of activity.
We never set a specific age for our children to move into our Buds and Blossoms room as we are always led by our children and follow their unique learning and development patterns.
Toys and equipment are displayed at child level so that they are always accessible for all children. This enables children to make their own choices and decisions and enhance their quality of play.
We also promote a ‘trial and error’ environment which encourages children to solve problems for themselves. By setting children achievable problems and goals, they can begin to feel pride within themselves and thrive for further development.
At Rainbow we believe children should be children, whether this is splashing in puddles, making Gruffalo crumble or dressing up as their favourite role model. We hope to encourage our children to learn the beauty of nature, to appreciate the simple things in life and to respect the world and cultures we live in.
We aim to create memories that last a lifetime and strive to encourage our children take informed risks and develop the ability to negotiate challenges when they arise.

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